Life comes at us from all angles. One day, you think you have it all together- you’ve got great friends and family, a nice job, you’ve got a happy life. And the next day, it all comes crashing down, nothing feels right, you feel alone and your work is suffering. It’s a cycle. By nature, this thing called life comes with ups and downs and you have to be strong to withstand it.
Is there anyone who looks like they have a perfect life? I can assure you they don’t. Most people just learn to wing it. They toughen up so that they can withstand the “downs”. Here’s how to become a strong and secure woman.
1. Have a value system: Know what you stand for. To be strong and secure in your personal need to have values and stand by them. People should know that there are compromises that you cannot make. The things that define you at your core should never be influenced by others. Your values define who you are. You’ve got to hold on to them at all times.
2. Invest in yourself: The biggest investment you can make is in yourself. Whether big or small, investing in yourself will always pay off. You could invest in your physical appearance by cultivating a beauty regimen, you could invest in your finances by saving or investing your money in well-vetted financial products. You could also upskill- take courses, return to school, etc. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself to where you want to be. Women who invest in themselves grow confident and secure in their ability to handle their business no matter what.
3. Choose to be powerful: You need to believe in yourself totally and irredeemably. That’s how to become stronger and more secure. Sure they’ll be bad days when you’re not on your best form. You’ll make mistakes like everyone else. You have to choose to not let anything break you. That’s how you build stamina for the bad days.
4. Master the art of letting go: practice letting go and people and situations that do not serve you. This is why you have to become powerful. When you’re emotionally and mentally strong, you’ll not think twice about walking away from someone who clearly doesn’t deserve you. But you have to work at it. It doesn’t just happen. Start establishing your boundaries and let people who cannot keep up with the new program leave.
5. Don’t be pushy: strong women do not push for relationships or commitment from people who are not ready. Allow romantic explorations to run their courses. Some will fizzle out, some will not. When it ends, let it be. You don’t want someone who has to be cajoled into staying with you. Don’t bend over backwards to keep anyone. By doing this you build up your strength and prepare for better connections.

Are you struggling to be the strong, secure woman you want to be?
Reach out to meet with me personally, for a 90-minute Life & Love Transformation session. Let’s get to the root of the issues and discuss the solutions to starting your Healing Journey to Creating the Life You Desire & Having the Love You Deserve!
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