Individual Laser Coaching Sessions
Introductory Offers for a Limited Time!

Is Laser Coaching for You?
Individual Laser Coaching Sessions can be done in one or with a few sessions with me, depending on your questions, concerns, or issues.
What Laser Coaching is Perfect for:
1) Emotional Support during a Difficult Transition, or during Covid!
2) A FAST Solution for a troubling issue you want to be Solved Now
3) A Particular Goal you want to reach, and you want a Coach to help you reach it
4) Support for Students leaving for college, or College Grads needing Career help
5) A Couples or Dating question that you want to be answered by an Expert Coach
6) Career Coaching and Interview Skills to win the Job you want
Just about ANYTHING that Concerns You and You Need or Want some Fast Answers and Solutions to – OR – Ongoing Support & Help with Your Concerns or Goal for 6- 12 months.
What Laser Coaching is not:
1) It’s not Mental Health Counseling or Therapy – I would need to give you a Medical Diagnosis Code for therapy or counseling that stays with your medical charts the rest of your life (were you aware of this?!).
Trust me – You don’t need years of Therapy when you are working with a Solution-Focused Expert; whose goal is to help you quickly solve the problem, heal, and move on from any emotional pain.
The people I am honored to work with as a team are My Clients – NOT my Patients (which assumes they have an illness – and nothing is wrong with you).
2) It is not the Deeply Intensive, Childhood & Love Trauma Coaching work that I do with my Clients in my trademarked, Dating to Mating or Relationship Rescue programs and workbooks; as these proven, research-based interactive VIP programs are a system that takes more time and intensive focus for healing from past Unconscious Childhood or Love Trauma for transformation in all Life and Relationship areas. Check out these programs if you feel you need more intensive, longer help and healing.
3) You’re not limited to how many Laser sessions you can have, but because I am only one person my calendar books up fast, so I suggest you get a package versus just one session at a time. Session availability is limited by Supply and Demand.
4) You may also step up to a signature, VIP Dating to Mating for Singles or the Couples Relationship Rescue program at any time to start Deeper Healing work for full Life Transformation.
5) It’s not for Coaching Mentoring; please go HERE for that information and intensive program for those who want to excel in their Coaching profession.
How Laser Coaching Works:
- Laser Sessions can be about ANYTHING you want Answers to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
- Choose the program you think you need below – from one, 50-minute session to a series of 15-minute sessions over 6 -12 months; or to write me an email. You can always add more sessions.
- Select the Investment plan you feel is the best fit, and pay securely with PayPal.
- After payment, you’ll be lead to my calendar to book your session day and time. I will CONFIRM with email or suggest another day or time for your booking if that slot has been taken.
- I will see you by VIDEO SKYPE; so download this for FREE, set up an account, then in the Search bar, type in – coachrianamilne – to connect to me. On your session time, Click VIDEO CAM to connect.
QUESTIONS? Contact me and let me know your question. I look Forward to meeting and helping you soon! XO Riana

1) Individual Laser Coaching Sessions –
Individual Laser Coaching can be done in one or with a few sessions booked with me, depending on your questions, concerns, or issues you want to solve NOW.
Individual Coaching Laser Sessions can be used for:
1) Getting Support. Don’t Suffer Alone! Get Help and Healing Strategies during a Difficult Divorce, Breakup, Retirement or other Troublesome Life Transition
2) A FAST Solution to Decided Whether to Stay or Leave a Toxic Relationship
3) Support for your Anxious High School Student going off to College.
3) A Dating Dilemma that You Need Proven Strategies to Get a Second Date, Save your Relationship, or Win Your Partner back.
4) Support for Students leaving for college, or College Grads coming home and needing Help during this Concerning Transition; for Interview Skills. Career or simple Life Coaching
…so much more….
YOU Choose the topic to discuss with me. Don’t Struggle or Experience Painful Situations on Your Own. Get Help from the Compassionate Coach who Cares and will get YOU where you want to be in Life or Love!
2) Couples Laser Coaching Sessions –
If You and Your Partner have one sticky issue you need some help on, Reach out to engage in 1-3 Laser Coaching Sessions with me.
- a) Have an Intimacy or Trust issue, or any re-occurring argument that you struggle with in a repetitive way? Get a Solution NOW.
- b) Need help Communicating through Issues? Learn How so you BOTH Win and get What you Need and Desire.
Struggling to Communicate with your Child or Help your Teen?
- a) Get Parental Advice and Solid Strategies in How to help your Teen Thrive and be more Focused and Successful in Life.
- b) If Your Teen is Anxious for their Future, and not sure about a Career or College choice, get a combo pack to reach a Decision that will make you all happy and get them Excited for their Future.

3) Laser Coaching Email Response –
Have a Fast but detailed question or a particular scenario you want to run by me in an email? You want an answer as soon as possible – Email answers are excellent for when you want an Experts Opinion and don’t need a lot of Coaching time.
For Example:
- a) Should you continue to date the guy you like but who continues to Ghost or Breadcrumb You?
- b) How can you stop thinking about and reaching out to your Ex?
- c) You notice some Red Flags – Should you Stay or Leave your Partner? Tell me what’s going on!
Once Your Enrolled, Email your Question to me at

6 and 12-month Laser Coaching Packages –
Get 15- minute, Laser-focused Coaching sessions for ongoing support and to work on your particular goals; or for regular motivation, inspiration and keeping your Mindset positive to reach all your goals and dreams in Life, Love, Business, and School.
Perfect for Singles or Couples to keep on track, new College students or recent Grads for Job Success, or for anyone going through a difficult Life transition.
6 and 12-Month Laser Coaching Packages Available:
- 6-month of support: 2 sessions a month; a total of 12 Laser Sessions
2. 12-month of support: 2 sessions a month; a total of 24 Laser sessions
Get Laser Coaching Today to get Your Burning Questions Answered and Issues Resolved as Soon as Possible –
OR – for Ongoing Support for You or Your Teen. I look Forward to seeing How I can Help You Best!
In Light & Love, Riana
Questions? Contact Me HERE.