Singles Coaching
Singles Coaching
As a Single, what would I learn in your VIP, Dating to Mating - Life & Love Transformation Coaching Program?

Are you successful in your career but struggle to create lasting and meaningful relationships? Are you totally frustrated in Love and can’t figure out what you’re “doing wrong?” It’s not your fault, and your not alone. In fact, research shows 9 out of 10 people struggle in life and love due to past, unhealed, unconscious childhood or love trauma. You can’t change what you don’t understand. But don’t worry, I can help!
I offer many options for you to receive personalized 1-on-1 Coaching, and I want your concerns addressed in the way that fits you and your needs best. Please Contact Me so we can get you started on your healing, growth, and personal transformation journey. You’re going to Love the new, Confident You! I’m looking forward to meeting you soon. Much Love, Riana XO
I specialize in helping people of all ages to develop the “Mindset for Success” to psychologically and emotionally heal from past difficult life and toxic, abusive relationship experiences. The Singles I have the pleasure to coach improve their confidence and self esteem while learning the exact necessary skills to date with empowerment and full conscious awareness.
With my proven coaching strategies, you will learn how to successfully date and attract emotionally healthy, evolved, and conscious partners. If you’re frustrated in trying to find a partner who desires a long-term, meaningful relationship, or are newly divorced and anxious about dating again, or have experienced narcissistic or other love abuse, you may be unknowingly sabotaging your success due to unhealed, unconcious trauma. With my intentsive, specialized, individualized coaching programs, you’ll learn exactly what to do and say, who to avoid and why, and fget all the skills on How to Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve!I offer many options for you to receive personalized 1-on-1 Coaching, and I want your concerns addressed in the way that fits you and your needs best. Please Contact Me so we can get you started on your healing, growth, and personal transformation journey. You’re going to Love the new, Confident You! I’m looking forward to meeting you soon. Much Love, Riana XO

Benefits & Transformation
- Break free once and for all from a toxic partner who is breaking your heart
- Stop attracting toxic and dysfunctional personality types that sabotage and frustrate you
- Stop negative, fear based anxious thoughts and behavior patterns that are ruining your life
- Heal from all past unconscious childhood, family or love trauma
- Heal from difficult transitions by adopting a positive mindset for success in life & love
- Reinvent yourself to become a successful and confident single before dating again
- Improve all your life areas, including career and parenting for more personal confidence and happiness
- Write an online profile that will get you the dates you desire and avoid the ones you don’t want
- Know the specific questions to ask while dating to discover any red flags early on

- Raise personal self esteem and confidence while having more fun dating
- Know the essential character traits mandatory in an emotionally healthy, conscious partner
- Be clear on your needs, requirements, wants and desires for your life-long partner; stop settling!
- Use the “Law of Attraction” and a variety of other tools to ensure your success in love
Click Here to see Details about the various Single’s Dating to Mating Programs
1) Introductory Video course: Let’s Talk About Love
2) Mastery Program Self-Study program
3) Silver Mastery hybrid 4-month program
4) Platinum 1-on-1, 4-month program
5) Diamond 1-on-1, 6-month program
See What My Clients Are Saying
Coaching with Riana led me to gain my confidence back, getting to a point of happiness and self-worth again. I was lucky to escape the biggest mistake of my life - that of marriage to the wrong person.I am now in the most fantastic, healthiest relationship of my life, we travel the world, and have a beautiful baby boy! I cannot thank Riana enough for being such an amazing coach, person and mentor. She is sweet and caring and provides great advice. I have enjoyed opening up to her and becoming a better person for it. I'm forever thankful. I encourage anyone who is in need of help with themselves or a relationship to give her program a try - you won't be sorry!

Erin (31)
I felt depressed, sad, cornered, hopeless, lost, victimized and unhappy. After 10 years of
marriage and trying to make it work, it failed. I immediately connected to Riana's message about childhood trauma. I realized that it was the
missing link that no one talks about. Riana helped me to get out of victim mode, to be able to see the positive that comes out of all 'negative', and
she helped me to believe in a higher Spirit. She inspired me to be my true best self. I moved on peacefully and started dating. I'm now happily married and living in a beautiful ocean-front home. We just had a beautiful baby girl! I'm
extremely grateful and can't Thank Riana enough! I will always carry her close to my heart always.

Olya (34)
I felt my world spiraling out of control and didn't think highly of myself. I didn’t know how to love myself, and couldn't deal with the loss of my mom, dad and sister. I could not form a relationship. I found Riana to be honest, reliable, and respectful. She focuses on purpose, desire, and goals and provides tons of encouragement. Riana was an essential part of my healing, acceptance, and loving myself. I highly recommend Riana for anyone who is struggling with any aspect of their life. I know she will always find time for me if I call and she is only a phone call away. (Married now over 12 years; and I officiated the marriage!)

Karen (47)
Riana helped me to see that I was not
making the best choices for me. I needed to look at past traumas which may not
have been as much from my childhood as from my marriage and to heal from the
anger, criticism, and verbal abuse directed at me. As I gained more confidence, I manifested a
better job where I can use my gifts, tools, and talents. Riana has helped me to
know my requirements, needs, and wants making me better at screening a potential partner and not sette. I have the confidence to know I will succeed!

Michelle (56)
After being cast on the show Radical Dating - Finding Lasting Love Over 40, with Riana as my Coach, I'm a different person owe all my positive changes to Riana. I m a gay man in my 40s and my partner or 6 years died in an accident. I had a fear of abandonment (childhood/mother issues), did not trust, made humor a coping mechanism, was negative, and not happy. With Riana, I overcame all my obstacles. She's the most wonderful coach anyone could ever have in their life. She brought me to a place where I'm truly happy with myself and my life. (Scott's now happily married)

Scott (48)
I was struggling, lost and helpless. Riana's supportive Coaching techniques led me to find myself and to make positive lifestyle changes after a difficult time in my life following a divorce. Because of her incredible insight into life issues and her ability to express direction I gained the strength I needed to move forward and feel amazing! Today....I am stronger, happier and love myself more than I ever have. I am now in a wonderful, emotionally healthy & evolved relationship - and knew EXACTLY what to do to attract this type of love into my life!

Lisa (58)