Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach – Riana Milne | Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve!

How to be Certified as One of my Coaches;
or Have me Mentor You in Coaching

Fill out Your Application Below &
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Coaches & Influencers Training

Are you someone that would love to be a Coach or Influencer in a particular niche? Or have you started a Coaching practice but can’t seem to make more than $30,000 a year and just feel burnt out and stuck? Have been working till exhaustion trying to get more clients in the door and are ready to quit, so you try every new “shiny penny” and technique to see “if that works.” 

Or, are you a Psychotherapist, Social worker, Nurse, CNA, Nutritionist, Chiropractor, or Certified and Licensed in another Medical or Wellness profession, and really tired of feeling owned by the insurance companies? Are you fed up with hearing, year after year, they will not give you a raise in your rates? Are you starting to feel like a bill collector, and tired of begging to get paid? (I get it – I was there too as a Psychotherapist for over 17 years!)

Or, are you in another helping professional – a teacher, School Counselor, Tutor, Personal Trainer… you’re someone who loves what they do but feel they are meant for more? The great nerws is – almost ANY Career goal you desire can become a lucrative Coaching career; earning 6 figures and more, within the first year – just as it happened for me.

Those who have been trying to make a Coaching practice work for several years often think, “What’s missing, what am I doing wrong?” Honestly, you’re doing nothing wrong. Your just in that totally frustrating place of – “I don’t know, what I don’t know” and I can get you out of there and re-motivated again.

Start The Coaching Career You’ll LOVE by Receiving my FREE eBook by Clicking the Link Below!

Yes, I’ve been where you were; as a Psychotherapist in private practice asking every year for a raise from the insurance companies, and hearing – No. After 17 years, I wanted to control my own salary, my destiny, my work hours. I wanted to travel the world and not worry about “critical clients” while I was gone. It was ridiculous hearing the demands “of the system” to do more work, and I got paid less for my time. 

It was time to go Global as a Coach and serve fewer clients who I selected and desired, while at the same time, earn the income that I deserved based on my investment in my education; which with a triple MA degree, more licenses and certifications, and having 6 Coaches, was more than insurance companies were willing to pay me to recoup my investments. 

I took the leap of faith and left my office job as a Therapist and came home to create, within my 8-months as a full-time Coach, what I earned in my yearly income as a therapist. I doubled that in year two; while at the same time saw fewer clients, and on the schedule that was intune to my desired life balance.

I quickly became known as a Global Expert in my niche of helping those with past Childhood & Love Trauma within the first year as well. You can do it too! It’s time you earned the income you deserve while doing the work you are passionate about. It’s time to Live Your Purpose by serving the clients you love. I take on just a few, serious, Mentor Coaching clients a year to help them reach their goals in the profession they are driven to have; while at the same time, creating a Life they truly Desire. If you are at a place of needing mentoring for your Coaching career, or are just getting started with this dream you are determined to make a reality, then Contact Me now, and let’s get you started!

Personalized to Your Career Goals - Apply to Work with Me as Your Coach

No matter where you are in your Coaching career, we start at where you are now and create an individualized program for where you want to be. See below the various Menu items below where we can promote you and direct your career. I have trained with some of the top Global Coaches – I worked one-year at the Diamond level with Lisa Sasevich for Speaking, Sales, and launching my business; with John Lee Dumas for Podcasting, Eben Pagan for Online Courses and school creation, Mark Lack for Personal Branding, Peter Pu & Fred Lam for eCommerce, Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins for marketing and messaging, Kim Walsh for webinars and email marketing….I have spent over $350,000 in my education to get where I am today. 

The good news? You don’t have to! You get to benefit from all the education I have gathered and put to use to create my Successful Coaching practice; to get where you want to be in record time.

Together, we will create a plan to quickly start your journey to reach your goals and dreams in one or many areas of Coaching. Let’s get you going towards financial freedom and in Creating a Life that You Desire and are Passionate about!

Please Contact Me to Receive Your APPLICATION to Meet with me for FREE to Discuss Your Coaching Career Goals!

 We will discuss your Dreams & Goals and set up the BEST Strategy for you! I’m looking forward to meeting you for your One-Hour Consultation. 

Once you contact me, I will send you an application to be one of the few selected to meet with me privately, so do get your ideas together. I will be selecting only 5 candidates to work with, so tell me your story, dreams and goals, and what items from the Menu below you would like to work on first. In the One-year program, we can get these all planned and accomplish much of them. If my calendar is full, I will place you on the wait list to work with me.

I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully, meeting you soon for your private Consultation session!

In Light & Love, Riana XO

Your Custom Training can Include Any Items from this Menu:

  • Creating a Mindset for Success Belief-system
  •  Time and Life Balance as you grow your Business
  •  Identifying your Niche and perfect ideal client
  •  Creating a program title, educational system, slogan
  • Creating a theme and colors for your Branding
  •  Creating an Online School or Training Academy & Courses
  • Writing  #1 Bestselling Book & How to market it for sales
  • Developing an App for the global market
  • Marketing your programs – social media, advertising, business cards, forms, etc
  •  Website Creation, Social media creation and getting Likes and followers
  •  How to acquire clients on a consistent basis – developing your intial Call-to-Action
  •  Email marketing system and list segregation; retaining your clients
  •  Creating a Podcast, radio, Alexa or TV show that gets consistent 5-star ratings
  •  Preparing an educational speech or interview that hits the emotions and speaks to your ideal clients
  •  Creating the Know – Like – and Trust Factor with global clients
  •  Creating a webinar or series of Master Classes that convert to sales
  •  Creating Bonuses and upsells; promotions that create eager buyers of your programs
  •  Group Coaching – leveraging your education to teach larger groups
  •  Creating a Blog and getting content published with top magazines or online websites
  •  Creating your YouTube Channel to convert for sales
  •  CTA’s – creating mulitple Call to Action Free offers that your clients will love and want more from you
  •  Creating Funnels to take your CTAs into repetitive, evergreen sales
  • Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn advertisements
  •  JV’s, Affiliates and Masterminding Relationships
  • Branching out to the next level and expanding your brand name and programs
  • much more! What do you want to learn? I have done all these – any more – within three years of business.
Contact Riana to Apply to work with her as a Personal Coaching Mentorship Client. Investment varies according to your needs and number of months needed to reach your desired goals. This is a Private Mentorship, where the entire focus is on YOU and YOUR Business growth. For those truly ready to Dedicate themselves to Growing a Successful Coaching/Influencer Business.