Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach – Riana Milne | Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve!

This New Year, Create & Celebrate a New You!

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions and goals, but most do not take them seriously. My coaching and counseling clients learn that goal setting is essential to individual growth and the fuel behind creating purposeful and lasting changes that lead to personal power and success. So this year, make your resolutions really count by using the Watch Me! Motivational Mind-set system.  A second time to revamp and set goals is on your personal New Year, your birthday. If it is too close to New Years Eve, make America’s birthday, July 4th, the day to create your next set of goals. Start this program by making 3 personal goals and three business or school goals you want to achieve within the next six months. These should be lofty, life-changing goals, like; enrolling in school, writing a book, moving to a new area, or moving on from an unfulfilling job or a toxic relationship. Really mediate on these goals to define them very clearly; then write them down, with an expectation to reach them by July 1st.

From there, you will create three personal and three business/school weekly goals, with a week running from Sunday evening to the following Sunday night. To reach the weekly goals, you need to do mini daily goals – again, three personal and three business/school goals. It begins by having purpose every day. Before you get out of bed, you say in your head the three goals to complete for the day. These could be as simple as making a phone call to get a medical appointment, to inquire about the next college term, or other fact gathering information. At first, these mini goals seem insignificant, but these small objects add up! Those people who don’t do the daily goals fail to make their weekly, monthly, or their six month ultimate goals. The month-end goals are fairly significant. You create deadlines for yourself and strive each day to reach them. So the goals go from very simplistic daily objectives to weekly aspirations to fulfill a monthly target that leads to your ultimate purpose within 6 months.

Does this really work? Absolutely! My own example is I set a two-year goal in April 2012 to write and publish 2 books that were each about 400 pages long (LIVE and LOVE Beyond Your Dreams), an App (My Relationship Coach), created my new website that launched in November (, and to get my Florida Licensed Mental Health and Certified Addictions Professional Certificate (completed in November). All this was completed within a year and a half, using my goal-setting system. My massive goal ends this coming April with the creation of online webinars for Group coaching for singles and couples and writing more helpful, informative white papers for the web site.

I have used the “Watch Me!” Mind-set method my whole life, and taught my daughters this system who are also extremely successful. Living my life with absolute purpose happened after the loss of two of my closest friends; one to a drunk driver and the other was murdered by her boyfriend. Both incidences changed my life, and I promised my lost friends Michael and Corrine that I would not waste my life in any way. Living with purpose gives you self confidence and intense joy, as you meet goal after goal – Living Beyond your Dreams to get to the next one. Life is an incredible journey! This New Year’s Eve, promise yourself to live your life to the max. Start meditating on the goals you plan to aspire to, write them down, and commit by telling your partner, friends and family. My Coaching and Therapy client’s, who use this holistic, life planning system, have changed their lives in such powerful ways. Be sure to celebrate each month and six month successes, because you deserve it! I honor my clients this New Year’s Eve as I wonder what new goals they will come in and share with me for their brand new year of life.