Everything they say about worry is true. It’s true that it sucks out the joy and peace in your life, leaving you with hopelessness, despair and anxiety. Yet, you can’t seem to shake it off.
The last 2 years have been trying for the entire world, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the tragic losses and the constant state of uncertainty. We’ve had to deal with financial concerns, loss, fear of infection or non-recovery from the disease, and loneliness, to mention a few. If you’re a worrier, I can only imagine what the past 2 years have been like for you.
Most times, worriers don’t really see themselves as worriers. They consider themselves to be planners. You’re simply thinking ahead. But that’s not true now, is it? In worrying, you set yourself to constantly ponder over negative events that could occur in the future but haven’t happened yet. And you dwell in that situation long enough for it to affect your present mental, emotional and/or physical condition.
In truth, worrying about a situation that hasn’t happened doesn’t change it much. However, you can choose to change how these kinds of circumstances affect you.
Here are 4 sure ways to deal with worry:
1. Recognize it: you cannot change anything if you do not, first of all, admit that something is wrong with the status quo. You have to acknowledge that you are stressing about events that are largely outside your control and that they are taking away from you.
2. End the cycle: if you’ve established that you are stuck in the worry loop, then it’s time to break out of it. The big step is to get out of your head and consciously make the effort to stay in the present. When you find yourself starting to worry about a situation, take an active step to bring yourself back to the present. You can use a mantra. A great one to use is: “I focus on things that I can control and control things that are in my present focus”.
3. Meditate: Meditation is a great tool to bring some measure of control into your life. If you’re taking steps to get out of the worry loop, taking out time to meditate will get you there faster. Take out time, it could be a few minutes in the day, to practice mindfulness. With practice, you’ll learn how to keep your mind to the present and replace your worries with a deep sense of peace.
4. Deal with your fear: fear is taking more from you than you may realize. You need to take a stand against it. Taking a stand may mean having a deep conversation with yourself to confront the issues that make you worry and fearful. It could be dealing with the past traumas that now color your life. It could be getting a professional diagnosis and treatment if you’re overly anxious or fearful of the future.
Regardless of what your life has been like, you have the right to seek and enjoy peace. That is something that worry is taking away from you today. So make the decision to deal with worry.

Are you struggling with worrying and how to deal with it?
Reach out to meet with me personally, for a 90-minute Life & Love Transformation session. Let’s get to the root of the issues and discuss the solutions to starting your Healing Journey to Creating the Life You Desire & Having the Love You Deserve!
Get details here – https://RianaMilne.com/session.