Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach – Riana Milne | Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve!

Why Hire Coach Riana Milne as Your Life & Love Transformation Coach?

As a Single, what would I learn in your VIP, Dating to Mating - Life & Love Transformation Coaching Program?

I'm in a Coupled - but Toxic Relationship and We are Struggling! How Can You help me to decide if I should stay or go, and How Can You Help Our Relationship?

Why is getting my Mindset right Important for my Success in Life, Love Relationships, and Business? Does this influence my lack of confidence, having ongoing anxiety, and struggling in all my relationships?

I Heard that Past, Unhealed Childhood and Relationship Trauma can cause Physical ailments like Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Sleep issues, and addictive behavior - and Emotional concerns like ongoing Anxiety, Depression, Ruminating Negative Thoughts, and Anger. Can Your Coaching help me heal from all these situations concerning my Emotional and Physical Health and overall Wellness?

I need some Personal Development Coaching. I desire Self-improvement in many areas of my life, to increase my Self-Esteem and Confidence, and to feel Inspired and Motivated for Change - since going through a Difficult Personal Transition. Can you help me to feel Happier and live a more Purpose-filled, Exciting life?

(1) Why Hire Coach Riana Milne as Your Life & Love Transformation Coach?

(2) As a Single, what would I learn in your VIP, Dating to Mating - Life & Love Transformation Coaching Program?

(3) I'm in a Coupled - but Toxic Relationship and We are Struggling! How Can You help me to decide if I should stay or go, and How Can You Help Our Relationship?

(4) Why is getting my Mindset right Important for my Success in Life, Love Relationships, and Business? Does this influence my lack of confidence, having ongoing anxiety, and struggling in all my relationships?

(5) I Heard that Past, Unhealed Childhood and Relationship Trauma can cause Physical ailments like Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Sleep issues, and addictive behavior - and Emotional concerns like ongoing Anxiety, Depression, Ruminating Negative Thoughts, and Anger. Can Your Coaching help me heal from all these situations concerning my Emotional and Physical Health and overall Wellness?

(6) I need some Personal Development Coaching. I desire Self-improvement in many areas of my life, to increase my Self-Esteem and Confidence, and to feel Inspired and Motivated for Change - since going through a Difficult Personal Transition. Can you help me to feel Happier and live a more Purpose-filled, Exciting life?

7) Do you Desire to be one of my Certified Coaches – or for me to Mentor You in your Coaching Career to be International Status? If so, watch tape below then go to my website – and fill out the proper application. I look forward to meeting with you soon! XO Riana

Other Questions You May Have….


Hi! The best way to begin is to sign up for a Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session with me; a 2-hour Private deep assessment into your concerns and understanding of the root causes of the issues for you in Life, Love and/or Business Success. From there, I have gotten to know you better as well as your goals and dreams in life; and can suggest the best fit for you in one of my many Life & Love Transformation Coaching programs for Singles or Couples. Or, if you “just want to run your situation by me” then please feel free to use the CONTACT ME Form to describe your situation better. I get those letters directly, so everything is private!

The fact from research in 2021 is, that 100% of us adults have at least 1 – 3 of the Childhood Traumas on my Top 10 Childhood Trauma Checklist. (If you aren’t sure how many you have, take the Free quiz for yourself under the QUIZZES section). Love Trauma usually results in those who have unhealed and unconscious Childhood Trauma, because those from Trauma attract those who have also experienced Trauma. You could have had an unfortunate sad situation in your family of origin, with your first crush, college boyfriend or girlfriend, or first marriage. No matter when the Love Trauma occurred for you, Trauma stays stored in the brain, nervous system, and body cells. You may be sabotaging the new Love you Truly desire by not being healed from the first adverse event; or – you may be attracting a Toxic Partner repeatedly, thus a behavior pattern Called RSS – Relationship Repetition Syndrome; originating from Childhood. This is my specialty area to diagnose the emotional traumas and triggers and help you heal holistically (Mind/Mindset/Biology- and Spirit/Faith to Grow and Change) and recover from any negative impact of past situations.

It is important for us BOTH to know if you are a great fit for my Coaching programs. To work with me is an investment for you, and my time is extremely limited in order to give my clients the best support a Coach can give….so I take just a handful of VIP clients at one time. The Life & Love Transformation Discovery & Assessment session is one private hour with me, you’ll learn a ton, and whether we choose to work together or not, I ensure you will learn much about why you are struggling in Life or Love.

For Singles looking to learn the exact skills in dating leading to a long-term relationship or marriage, OR a new Divorcee overcoming a toxic marriage or you experiencing a toxic long-term relationship and seeking Trauma Recovery…you are in the right place. The program for you is called Dating to Mating – Life & Love Transformation for Singles, and there are many levels to which you can enroll. For Couples, the ideal program is Relationship Rescue; however, if your partner refuses to get involved with Coaching, you and I will discuss whether you want to do a Couples or a Single’s program. The third method of Coaching is called Life Transition Coaching, and this is for those ages 16 – 30 who are struggling to move on in life – from high school, college, or their parent’s home. The fourth type of Coaching I do is called Mentoring – and is for new Coaches or want-to-be Coaches to teach them how to have a successful Coaching practice – no matter what their coaching niche. On the same page, you can find how to Apply to be Certified as one of my Coaches. All of these would require a meeting with me. The two that you can enroll in without a personal meeting are – Success in Dating online course for Singles (a Self-Study program for those who want to learn the Art & Psychology of Dating Successfully and get out into Dating world – quickly to successfully “Find the One”) – and the Mastery Self-study program of Dating to Mating (Self-Study Enrollment details found at the bottom of this DTM Description page)

I understand these are troubling times and going from high school to college, or college to a career during the time of COVID; is a scary thought. It is important to give every younger person “The Mindset for Success in All Life Areas” with Life Transition Coaching; which is also part of The Dating to Mating ProgramThe Dating & Relationship portion is included (since we all could have used these extremely important skills as younger people to choose an Emotionally Healthy and Conscious Partner, avoiding time and costly mistakes).

Yes! I have a wonderful Funding Source who loves our Coaching programs and is ready to help you! Just go to > and apply for the Pay In Full option for your program – and the longer you spread out your payments, the lower they are. I offer one payment plan or a Pay-in-Full Scholarship option with thousands in Bonuses!

Yes! You can usually write off your Coaching investment (just confirm with your USA accountant or Country for Medical write-offs or under Business Coaching). I am an LLC Corporation and Highly Licensed and Credentialed in many areas that fit tax-deductible services.

In the Relationship Rescue Program for Couplesthe couple understands that if one of the Partners chooses not to continue, they may split the sessions left equally and see me privately alone; or one may gift all the sessions to the other. It depends on the situation involved, but I do suggest support for each partner, especially if an affair occurred. A Parenting Plan for the children may be needed as well.

Yes of course you can find Love over 70! It’s the new 50 and many Singles are looking for Love. My eldest client, Bob, came to me for Coaching at age 73; after his 4th wife left him…he was afraid he would die alone. With Coaching, he overcame his fears, negative mindset, and dysfunctional behavior patterns and met a lovely lady – who has been his girlfriend for 5 years now! I keep getting their photos from “White Night” on the many cruises they take together – So Happy to see their Love! Bob says “He is the Happiest he has ever been!”

Great question! Yes, it is. We begin this course with Part 1 of 2 – Healing from Past, Unconscious Childhood and Love Trauma and Creating the Life You Desire. All the items you mentioned fall under this part of the program. When you are feeling like “The New You!” you will want to start meeting people and dating again (even though you don’t feel it just right now). You must get these skills so that you don’t repeat the mistake of attracting another Toxic Partner. There are definite Do’s and Don’ts to Dating Successfully, and you need to feel confident and empowered to attract an Emotionally Healthy, Conscious Partner, which will lead to a Sustainable Relationship.

Yes, I can do this for your family. Once we have the Life & Love Discovery Session with the marital couple, I can suggest a package of coaching depending on your exact issues, and the concerns of your children. One or the other may need more time to process this difficult transition; Or – one may have special individual needs, like they are afraid to live on their own, find work, are angry at the parent asking for the divorce, or they are aware of an affair – there are many situations that may need healing and guidance. We’ll make a plan for you at the end of your Discovery session if you want to move forward with me as your Family Transition Coach.

I am a Fla. Certified Addictions Professional (CAP) and a Licensed Alcohol & Drug Addictions Counselor (LCADC) so I understand how you feel, and you are correct in wanting supportive Couples Coaching once your husband returns home. If this was a Co-dependent relationship or an abusive one, you will need support for sure. If he is stressed and he used to turn to alcohol or another substance and now he is clean, very often the Partner is “the punching bag” for their stress. You need a Coach in your Corner to watch over you. Because of my credentials in Addiction Recovery, I am a great choice to help you two become better than ever, addressing the deep and real issues, explore the past Unhealed and Unconscious Childhood and Love Traumas, and teach you a brand new way to communicate with each other. You BOTH need support and healing!

Thanks so much! So glad you loved the books and bought both, as they are meant to go together to learn the most about living Consciously with the Mindset for Success and having an Emotionally Healthy, Conscious and Sustainable Love Relationship. On my website,, be sure to download the FREE eBookread it, then do the 4 Free Love tests under QUIZZES. These educational items will explain clearly if you are in an emotionally healthy OR Toxic relationship, and WHY you might have attracted this type of Partner into your Life. If you are Single, it will tell you if you are ready to go back out there and date. Be sure to listen to my PodcastLessons in Life & Love; released on Friday. You can listen for free on this site, on my Podcast website,, and on my YouTube Channel. Watch and listen to over 350 Educational videos and audio tapes. 

My Facebook Fan page, Coach Riana Milne also releases all the Webinars, Summits, Podcasts, Blogs, and classes that I do, or I appear as a guest. When you are on my email list you will get all the notices and lots of promotional offers! You can get on my Virtual Family Email list by receiving one of my free gifts on this website.

Should you have other questions, please try my NEW Riana AI Chat Bot on the Home page. It answers thousands of questions! Or use the Contact Me Form on this website and I will receive your private questions or request by email.

I look forward to meeting you and seeing how I can help you best. In Light & Love, XO Riana