About Riana

Riana Milne, MA – Global Certified Life, Dating & Relationship Coach, CCTP-II, LMHC, LCADC, CAP, SAC, Certified Mindfulness Coach, Educational Speaker, and #1 Bestselling Author
Hello, thanks for stopping by! My mission is to help women, men, and couples of all ages overcome and heal from past childhood, dating, and relationship trauma to move on and create a life and relationship they are passionate about.
Close to 25 years of research is at the core of the Dating to Mating System for Singles and the Relationship Rescue Coaching program for Couples. My experience with working with Trauma includes: being a SAC – Student Assistance Counselor for grades K through College); working with kids of Trauma in the Psych Division of a major Southern NJ hospital system, working with Women of the Prison System and adolescents in two different Rehab Facilities. I was called by the major TV news networks during the tragedy of 911 to speak on how to heal this horrendous trauma our children, families, and country have endured. I’ve had numerous radio and TV shows and media appearances; all with a Mission of “Helping to Change the Way the World Loves.”
The “Mindset for Success” I started teaching at age 26 to my Models, Actors, Singers, and Dancers at my Award-winning Riana Model & Talent School and Agency. Like many others of all ages – you will gain the necessary confidence and essential skills to reach your goals and dreams and attract and keep an Emotionally Healthy, Evolved, and Conscious Love Relationship.
Using a holistic, individualized coaching approach designed to help every woman, man, and couple better understand themselves emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, the Life & Love Coaching Transformation programs were all designed to help every person create the life they desire and have the love they deserve!
As a teen it was my goal to become a counselor, so at age 37, I went back to college and graduated Summa Cum Laude with honors obtaining my Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Rowan University and subsequently taught Graduate courses in Addiction Counseling and Public Relations at the University level. Wanting to have a greater personal impact on people’s lives by giving a more VIP, specialized service, I became a Certified Singles & Couples Relationship and Life Coach in 2010 with RCI – Relationship Coaching Institute.
Who would have thought a few years later Wealth Insider Magazine named me “One of the Top 10 Coaches to Follow in 2022” and the same month I was featured in FORBES Magazine? Within a couple of years, many features, awards, and honors came along; so The Mindset for Success works! I feel truly Blessed to do work that I love so much.
After experiencing a second Love Trauma myself with a husband I dearly loved, I was not able to get any answers or help from many Psychotherapist friends of mine. Research around Childhood Trauma, Emotional Love Trauma, and its PTSD symptoms simply did not exist. I took my pain and made it my purpose and my passion; as well as made it my mission to gather the science-based researched answers I needed to help myself, as well as my clients, who have been through emotional and psychological abuse from their partners. I discovered – “You Can’t Change What You Don’t Know or Understand!”
I was so excited with what I discovered, I knew I had to share it with the world. I went on to acquire a CCTP-II; Advanced Certified Clinical Trauma Professional education, along with getting Certified as a Mindfulness Coach. In 2017 I retired from being a full-time therapist and went global as a Cert. Life, Love Trauma Recovery and Mindset Coach.
The coaching programs I developed for both Singles and Couples ages 16-80, and for Straight and LGBT populations, have become proven success stories over 25 years, with thousands of people. My research and education have now touched millions of people globally, with the development of my Childhood Trauma Checklist and Coaching education around this topic.
My Coaching programs are holistic (Teaching Mind/Mindset; Body – Healing Trauma within the Brain & Body cells, and Spirit – Using a Faith-based philosophy to have the courage to go for your dreams and goals.) My trademarked programs help you overcome past unhealed and unconscious childhood and love traumas that can sabotage your relationships, limit emotional availability, keep you stuck in a fear-based, negative mindset about dating, life, and love relationships, and cause various emotional triggers that repeatedly impact you in life and love.
You’ll learn to correct any self-sabotaging negative or fear-based patterns of thinking and change unconscious behavioral patterns that could be sabotaging you in Life, Love, Business, and other important life areas and relationships. By knowing and living by the key psychological “Mindset for Success” characteristics in all life areas, you will indeed Create The Life You Desire and are passionate about; as well as Have the Love You Deserve; with the exact skills needed to attract and achieve an emotionally healthy, evolved, conscious and lasting relationship.
Through a combination of Personal Coaching online, using my unique, research-based, Trademarked educational tools and system, and my online LifeandLoveTrainingAcademy.com platform, I give my local, global, and celebrity clients a very personal, confidential, VIP service that gives them the vital support they need; and at the same time, fits within their busy professional schedules. I look forward to seeing how I can help you too.
In Light & Love, XO Riana
Publications Features of Riana and her work:
- NY Weekly Magazine: Life’s Transitional Guides; 15 Influential Coaches Transforming Lives; https://nyweekly.com/business/lifes-transformational-guides-15-influential-coaches-transforming-lives/
- Fashion Republic Special Sept 2023 Fashion Edition; cover and feature https://bit.ly/RianaMilneFashionRepublic https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2603280?__r=5245963
- Disrupt Magazine (7/6/2023) https://bit.ly/DisruptArticleRianaMilne https://disruptmagazine.com/riana-milne-empowering-individuals-to-create-the-life-they-desire-have-the-love-they-deserve/
- Influencer Daily Magazine: Mar 2023; https://influencerdaily.com/riana-milne-guide-by-respected-influencer/
- Business Spotlight Magazine: Jan 2023: https://rianamilne.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/JANUARY-2023-SPOTLIGHT-MAGAZINE-Riana-Milne.pdf
- Top 10 Coaches to Follow in 2022; Wealth Insider Magazine: https://bit.ly/WealthInsiderMagTop10Coaches
- 100 Most Successful Women Around the World Book https://bit.ly/100SuccessfulWomenBook
- FORBES Article https://bit.ly/Forbes6TipsforSuccessRianaMilne
Riana has two amazing and successful daughters, Stephana Ferrell (husband Charles); and Alexi Panos (husband Preston Smiles Davis); and six adorable grandchildren – Logan, Simon, Kingston, Twins Zai and Zahara and Kashius. Riana lives in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA.
As Seen On

#1 Bestselling Books:
Having published two best selling books, “LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve” and “LIVE Beyond Your Dreams – From Fear and Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose & Success”, it is my mission to “Change the Way the World Loves” by sharing research-based proven strategies that increases Emotional Healthy and Conscious Awareness when it comes to Love Partnerships and other meaningful Relationships. Teaching a new sense of understanding and empathy to the 90% of adults who do have unhealed, unconscious Childhood & Love Trauma; along with the successful methods of healing and recovering from the harmful behavioral patterns is my goal.
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